Thanks Nicole! Have a great day.
From: bounce-117824228-56848915-*** [mailto:bounce-117824228-56848915-***] On Behalf Of Nicole Malone
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 6:02 PM
To: Institutional policy-related discussions
Subject: RE:[acupa-l] Code of Conduct/Ethics for Employees
Hi Amy
Here is one from the University of Western Sydney:
Kind regards
Nicole Malone
Manager, Policy | Policy and Governance Unit
University of Western Sydney | Locked Bag 1797 | Penrith NSW 2751
T: 02 9678 7836 | F: 02 9678 7831
E: n.malone-w6+***<mailto:n.malone-w6+***> | W:
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From: bounce-117824078-69587574-***<mailto:bounce-117824078-69587574-***> [mailto:bounce-117824078-69587574-***] On Behalf Of Smith, Amy E
Sent: Thursday, 4 September 2014 7:54 AM
To: Institutional policy-related discussions (acupa-l-***<mailto:acupa-l-***>)
Subject: [acupa-l] Code of Conduct/Ethics for Employees
Hi ACUPA members,
I am interested in reviewing Code of Conduct or Code of Ethics policies or documents. If your institution has adopted such a policy or document, please send me a link or an attachment.
I look forward to seeing you in Orlando!
Amy E. Smith, M.S.E.
Director, Policy Office
Office of the Provost
The University of Kansas
Tel. +1 (785) 864-4906 | Fax. +1 (785) 864-4463
Email amysmith-CzCKKT+***|<mailto:amysmith-CzCKKT+***> Web<>
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ATTN: Please be aware that when you respond to an ACUPA-L e-mail, the reply will be distributed to the ENTIRE list of members. If you do NOT want to send an e-mail to everyone, please reply directly to the individual who initiated the query (their e-mail address appears in the "From" line of their original e-mail).
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If you have questions about the ACUPA e-list, please contact Jamie Parris at jamieparris-***<mailto:jamieparris-***> or 607-255-6837.